* Content management systems
* CSS and HTML supported
* Flash integration possible XML driven
* Multiple languages
* Splash intro screen
* Email template + email module
* Menu horizon , vertical , flash or Java
* Audio file module (music player)
* Blog modules
* Event module + search
* Faq module (with subgroups)
* Forms (flexible in creation)
* News module + news ticker
* Polls
* Webshop
- Linkable to Paypal, Ogone, Multisafepay
- Linkable to Controlplus Fit, Wellness, Resto, Hotel
- Sizes, Colors, Stock inventory
- Loyalty program , buy with points and money
* Video module with Player or external links
* Document module
* Guestbook
* Forum
* Sports activities + search
* Business activities + search
* Staff module + presentation
* Competition planner + teams and saisons